Documenting USA Citizenship for Adoptees

Is your adopted child a citizen? Can you prove it? Can your adult child prove it when you are gone? (Adoptees - read this and replace “your child” with “you”). In order to have citizenship on record with each of these agencies, you must have 3 things: a Certificate of Citizenship or Certificate of Naturalization (for USCIS), a US Passport (for DoS), and a proof of citizenship status update at Social Security Administration or using a proof of citizenship document (the CoC/CoN or Passport) simply having a SS number is not enough. Non-US citizens also have SSN in order to work and pay taxes. This could be vitally important to your child in the future, especially if they are ever arrested (and it does happen) even for something very minor. There are many examples for instance see: Deportations of Adoptees began due to amendments to the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) which were contained in the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immi...