Latvia - Legislation on Closing Intercountry Adoptions - Pipeline Cases

LATVIA - I contacted USDOS regarding Latvia closing for adoptions. Dear Ms. Holt, We know that there have been reports that the Latvian Parliament voted to stop intercountry adoption, however we verified that this is not accurate. The Human Rights Committee of the Latvian Parliament recently drafted legislation that would end all intercountry adoptions, including pipeline cases. The first reading of the draft legislation is expected to occur on July 2, and there must be at least two readings before Parliament can vote. If passed, the legislation proposes that the ban begin on September 1, 2020. The Office of Children's Issues met virtually with the Latvian Embassy and the Latvian Ministry of Welfare on June 18 to discuss their concerns and we will continue to encourage that intercountry adoption remain open and that pipeline cases reach conclusion if adoption does close. Thank you, Office of Children's Issues U.S. Department of State