Agencies with a Russian Permit (formerly 'accredited')

Here are the Agencies granted a "Russian Permit for Adoption Activity" (formerly known as 'accredited').

I am keeping this list "live" along with Hague Status, and agencies links here:

ABC Adoption Services, Inc / Carolina Adoption (CAS)
Adopt-A-Child, Inc
Adoption Associates, Inc (AAI)
Adoption Center of Washington (ACW)
Adoption Options, Inc (Frank Affiliated)
Adoptions Together, Inc (ATI)
Alaska International Adoption (AIA)
Alliance For Children
Americans for International Aid and Adoption (AIAA)
Beacon House Adoption Services (BHAS)
Buckner Adoption and Maternity Services
Catholic Social Services, (CSS) Charlotte
Children's Home Society & Family Services (CHSFS)
Children's Hope International (CHI)
Christian World Adoptions (CWA)
Creative Adoptions, Inc
Dove Adoptions International, Inc
European Adoption Consultants (EAC)
Families Thru International Adoption (FTIA)
Florence Crittenton League of Lowell
Frank Adoption Center-NC (Frank affiliated)
Gladney Center for Adoption
Global Center for Adoption (Global Adoption Services)
Hand in Hand
Happy Families International Center (HFIC)
Homestudies and Adoption Placement Services (HAPS)
International Assistance Group (IAG)
International Christian Adoptions, Temecula
Life Adoption Services, Inc
LSS of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan (LSS-WI)
Maine Adoption Placement Services (MAPS)
New Hope Christian Services (NHCS)
Small World Adoption Foundation of Missouri
Wide Horizons for Children
*World Association for Children and Parents (WACAP) (Permit suspended)
World Child International
World Links
Wyoming Children's Society

A La Croisee Des Chemins (French)
Adoptiedienst Horizon (Dutch)

Adoption Horizons
Caring Homes for Orphan Children (CHOC) Tzivos Hashem
Choices Adoption
TDH pour les enfants (TDHE)

Pelastakaa Lapset

De Pauline à Anaëlle Association
Enfance Avenir
L'Agence Française d'Adoption

Diakonal Services of Evangelical Church Rhein-Necker Region
Zentrum fur Adoptionen (ZfA)
Zukunft für Kinder (ZfK)

Atid Haieladim (Future of Children)

ARAI - Regione Piemonte (ARAI)
Associazione Amici dei Bambini (Ai. Bi.)
Associazione Ariete
Centro Internazionale per l'Infanzia e la Famiglia (CIFA)
I Bambini dell'Arcobaleno
In Cammino per la Famiglia (ICPLF)
La Primogenita International adoption
L'airone - Adozioni Internazionali
Nuova associazione di genitori insieme per l'adozione (NADIA)
Servizio polifunzionale per l'adozione internazionale (SPAI)
SOS Bambino International Adoption

New Zealand
InterCountry Adoption New Zealand (ICANZ)

AAIM Asociacion de Aydua a la Infancia del Mundo
ANDAI Asociación Nacional de Acogida Infantil
Association of Navarra Nuevo Futuro
Creixer Junts
Infancia y Futur



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