Russian Homestudy Providers Missing Post Placement Reports (aka "Black List")
In April, PEAR reported on the Russian MOE's new list of Homestudy Providers with missing Post Placement Reports.
The official Russian MOE statement is here. The official list of Providers missing reports is here.
The Russian MOE advises the regional databank operators not to accept post placement commitments from the Homestudy Providers on this list.
PEAR has translated to English the receiving Country names and the Russian Region names. We created a USA only list have organized by US State to make it easier to use by families and Providers.
You can find the new translated lists on our website under the "Special Resources" tab on the Archives page or by following these links:
List of USA Providers
List of All Providers Worldwide
For Adoption Service Providers:
We are aware that some Homestudy Providers have worked hard to submit or re-submit the post placement reports that are listed as missing. US Homestudy Providers that need assistance in this matter should follow the guidelines of the US Embassy in Moscow. Addresses for the regional databank operators are here in both Russian and English.
For Families in Process of a Russian adoption:
Please be aware if your Homestudy Provider is listed, it is possible that your homestudy and post placement commitment will not be accepted by the region, or by the judge at court. You should speak to your Placing Agency for advice, and your Homestudy Provider to see if they are taking steps to submit the missing reports. You may need to locate another Homestudy Provider to complete your adoption in a timely fashion.
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