I See You

❤️ I See You ❤️ I see you running your child to therapy when your friends are running their kids to Little League or ballet I see you slipping out of the conversation when your friends are all chiming in about milestones and test grades. I see you constantly juggling appointments and meetings. I see you sitting at your computer for hours researching what your child needs. I see you cringe when people whine about what feels like petty things. I see you spread thin but still going the extra mile for your family. I see you digging for depths of strength you never dreamed you had. I see you showing appreciation to the teachers, therapists and medical professionals who serve your child with you. I see you rising early in the morning to do it all again after another chaotic night. I see you when you’re hanging on to the end of your rope for dear life. I know you feel invisible, like nobody notices any of it. But I want you to know I notice you. I see you relentlessly pushing o...